Category Archives: Contemporary Fiction

June 29th at JMS Books! “The Agony of Joy” – My Award-winning Novel

theagonyofjoyAVAILABLE ON June 29th, my award winning novel, THE AGONY OF JOY, will be released at JMS Books LLCInterested in reviewing for your website or blog? Contact me!

Set primarily in #Berlin, and was first published in 2012, and received the Global Ebook Award top spot as best in the LGBT category. I’ve posted before many of the locations, sighs and scenes that were used the story. You can check them out at the links:

Photos & Scenes from “The Agony of Joy”
Volkspark Wilmersdorf
10 Years in the works, “The Agony of Joy”
View the original book trailer HERE

Blurb: For many CSA survivors, there is a lifelong battle for understanding and acceptance, not only from others, but also from themselves. From London to Berlin, to the frozen seas of far east Russia, this is an unforgettable journey of rebirth, revelation and redemption as two men struggle to overcome their separate past agonies and allow themselves to love.

Description: “Former model turned actor Adrian Lee can barely list age range ’23-29′ on his resumé anymore nor stand his life of empty social events and appearances, meaningless roles and casual partners. When he meets Alexander Skizetsky by clever arrangement of his agent, the enigmatic yet infinitely attractive Russian kindles a little light of hope in his aching heart. Yet even the beginnings of a friendship and love beyond his wildest dreams cannot assuage a life spiraling out of control.

The long estrangement from his devout Irish Catholic parents and family and the dark secrets they all share combine to drive him to the brink of despair, though Alexander is determined to stay by his side. After locking away his own memories of betrayal and loss, the Indigenous Russian had decided never to love again but something in Adrian spurs the noblest intentions in his formerly jaded heart. Returning in pilgrimage to his homeland, he brings Adrian along on a journey of rebirth, revelation and redemption.”

gayromance #gayfiction #berlinstories #traumahealing #lovestory #novels #csasurvivor #LGBTQIA #gay #bisexuality


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Filed under Announcements, bisexual, Book Trailers, Books, Contemporary Fiction, gay, Gay Fiction, Gay Interest, Gay Romance, Germany, GLBTIIQ, GLBTIIQ Interest, LBGT, LGBTQIA, M/M Fiction

Back on “Night Shift” – April 13th from JMS Books – #GayFiction


Coming April 13th from JMS Books, the 2024 edition of “Night Shift”, a slice of life novella, contemporary gay fiction. It’s all new sequel, “Landing” is in the works!

Interested in a review copy? Just contact us!


To escape a troubled home, Jamie works the night shift at a box store along with a rag-tag group of punks, war veterans, and bickering couples. He’s unsure what direction he wants to take in life until a mysterious new co-worker arrives.

With his long ponytail, faint accent, and quiet manner, Derrik manages to disturb or fascinate everyone, not just one pint-sized Southern boy who wants to escape his boring life.

Jamie finds himself falling for Derrik, and recognizes mutual attraction, but will the secret the older man harbors end the dream of a happily ever after?


While working the nightshift at a box store, small town Georgia boy Jamie dreams of gay freedom through escape to Europe. When Derrik, a handsome new co-worker from abroad joins the crew and takes an interest in him no less, Jamie starts to believe his dreams may come true, yet a secret the older man holds may ground that flight before it ever takes off.

One liner: A Georgia boy tired of small-town life. A handsome newcomer, foreign and mysterious.

Keywords: secret romance, young protagonist, slice of life, southern US setting, older protector, undercover operative


Jamie was really quite attractive, Derrik mused, as he watched the young man enter the restaurant. Instead of immediately signaling him over to the far corner table he’d chosen, which was partially hidden behind partitions but had a clear view of the front door, Derrik enjoyed observing: looking from side to side with a slightly worried frown on his smooth brow, Jamie scanned the room, lower lip caught lightly between his teeth. With a grinning slice of guilt, Derrik finally raised a hand to signal the young man over. Derrik’s heart fluttered when Jamie’s blue eyes lit up after spotting him, a smile spreading across the open, trusting face.

Those at the store who seriously gave Jamie a hard time or dismissed him as a poof were either affected by his almost androgynous beauty or simply jealous, Derrik decided. The fellow college students who teased Jamie in a condescending way were idiots. He’d quickly learned that, for all Jamie’s bright-eyed innocence, it fronted a quick and agile intellect. With experience and time, no doubt Jamie would gain the confidence to express himself more ably and lose some of his naïve air. Hopefully, however, he would never lose his honest and gentle nature.

By the time Jamie arrived at the table, he appeared to have settled somewhat, though curiosity still shone in his vivid gaze. Pulling out a chair and sitting, Jamie fidgeted for a few moments, before leaning forward with his arms crossed on the table.

“Hey,” Jamie replied to his greeting, looking up from under feathery bangs slanting across his eyes. “Sorry I’m late.”

Derrik wondered how people got their hair to fall just right, in that kind of romantic style, his never would achieve even if he desired it. His hair was too unruly and contrary unless it was the length he had it now or clipped very short. Jamie’s hair framed his face perfectly, giving him a pert, wild look that, when combined with the blush across the wide cheekbones, suggested being windblown in some artic region of Scandinavia instead of stuck in this overheated nether hell of the southern USA.

“You’re not late. Thanks for coming,” Derrik said. His admiration must have shown in his eyes, for Jamie flushed deeper, looking down.

“Um, so why’d you want to meet me?” Jamie asked.

“I wanted a chance to get to know you outside of work. There’s always someone watching there or snooping around.” Jamie’s blue eyes flashed up to his, slight wariness and puzzlement in equal measures. “And—and I thought you wouldn’t mind.”

“No,” Jamie hurried to say, “no, I don’t mind at all. I’m glad. I’m really curious about you, personally that is. I guess I’m surprised you don’t mind being seen with me at a public place considering…what most people think about me.”

Derrik knew the likely answer but wanted Jamie to say it aloud to be completely sure. “And what do they think, Jamie?”

“That I’m gay,” Jamie said in a low voice, nails lightly working at an arm. “That…”

“Are you?” Again the quick questioning glance, but the young man answered. “I…I think so, I mean…yes, though I’ve only just once…” Jamie stammered, making a comical sound of annoyance at himself before concluding with a little spark of defiance. “Yes.”

“I don’t mind gay, Jamie. No one should,” Derrik said, wanting to reach across and give a reassuring touch. “And remember, don’t let anything they say or seem to think bother you. I’ve not known you as long as them and I think you’re very okay just the way you are.”

The tenseness in Jamie’s shoulders relaxed along with his tightened knuckles. Their eyes met and held. Jamie’s curving lips parted. Derrik’s glance was drawn hungrily to them, early morning desire rearing its carnal head. Clearing his throat, Derrik picked up one of the menus.

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Filed under Announcements, Contemporary Fiction, gay, Gay Fiction, M/M Fiction

New Release! “Friends & Lovers” by Nephy Hart, Book 3 in Enigma Series


Books 1 & 2 are FREE for a limited time!


  • Published Dec. 6, 2016
  • Publisher: Nephy Hart/Flying With Red Haircrow Productions
  • ISBN: 9781370250882
  • Genre: Gay Fiction, Contemporary Fiction

Available at Smashwords, AllRomance Ebooks, Amazon

Tagline: “Problems have a habit of creeping up on you, and when you try to run they’re never more than one step behind.”

Blurb:  “Silver and River are healing, but both are still struggling to reconcile Silver’s life before his time at the Theatre De La Vie, with after. It doesn’t help that Ariel keeps coming around and causing trouble. When he encourages Silver to collect Ben from school he unleashes a can of worms that could easily have had fatal consequences.”

Synopsis: “Silver is trying hard to settle down again with Ben and River after the events at the Theatre De La Vie, but he isn’t the same person anymore and River is having a hard time dealing with the changes. One of the hardest things he has to cope with is Ariel, Silver’s new best friend, who makes Silver act like a teenager and causes trouble wherever he goes. When that trouble touches Ben, it sparks off a chain reaction that almost ends in tragedy.

In the meantime, Ariel has his own fallout to deal with. After finally finding someone to whom he might give his heart, he very nearly loses him by…well by being Ariel.

With his family life in tatters and his best friend lurching from one disaster to the next, Silver needs to be stronger than he’s ever been. The problem is he’s not feeling very strong at all. In fact, there are times when he thinks it would be so much better if he just went back to that place inside his head where he was safely shut away from the world, and that place is getting closer all the time.”

Other books in the series:
enigmaT200300Enigma, book 1 of Enigma:
“When nurse-in-training River Caulfield improbably finds love with Silver, a mysterious patient at the Care House where he works, he’s faced with a dilemma that his career may be threatened because of their attraction. Yet when dangerous elements from Silver’s past catch up to them both, he realizes there is much more at stake than his professional dreams. Their very lives may be forfeit!”


engfii200300-copyFighting the Man, book 2 of Enigma:
“River had always known that living with a freed sex slave, even one as sweet as Silver, was never going to be easy. It gets a lot harder when his parents are killed leaving him to care for his young brother. When Social Services get involved he has a choice to make. Unfortunately, he makes a choice that leaves the relationship in jeopardy as much as the master who returns to claim his former pet.”


About the Author


Formerly known as Nephylim, Nephy Hart was born into a poor but loving mining family in the United Kingdom, Nephy grew up in the beautiful and history rich South Wales Valleys, becoming the first in her family to attend university. As a lawyer practicing Family Law for several years, the profession allowed Nephy to learn more about human nature at its worst and best moments, and develop empathy and a view of life not limited by social standing or background.

Tapping into the heritage of her people that throughout Earth’s ages welcomed the wandering bard into the hearts of their villages as keepers of lore, Nephy trained as a Druid and brings the richness of her Celtic past and spiritual training to enrich and elevate her writing. Since a child Nephy has been fascinated with other worlds, which exist within and alongside her own and has reveled in creating worlds and characters for others to enjoy.

Despite lack of family support, Nephy continued writing privately and eventually found the Gay Authors website. With the positive response and a warm welcome received, she found the confidence to pursue her passion to a greater degree. Feeling gay fiction was a woefully neglected corner of the market where readers were all too often presented with what amounted to erotica, Nephy strives to write quality gay fiction where sex and sexuality is not the central premise. Instead, concentration is given to character and narrative development through storytelling that goes beyond the physical.

Nephy still resides in Wales, UK, and enjoys writing, reading, art, and taking part in medieval reenactments.

Nephylim Author
Cheryl Headford Blogspot

If you’d like a review copy for your website or blog drop us a line using our contact form!

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Filed under Announcements, Books, Contemporary Fiction, Gay Fiction, GLBTIIQ, M/M Fiction

The Enigma Trilogy by Nephy Hart, Book 3 coming Dec.6th-Books 1 & 2 FREE Now!

In this image provided by NASA Wednesday Oct. 3, 2012 a dying star is throwing a cosmic tantrum in this combined image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and the Galaxy Evolution Explorer. In death, the star's dusty outer layers are unraveling into space, glowing from the intense ultraviolet radiation being pumped out by the hot stellar core. This object called the Helix nebula, lies 650 light-years away in the constellation of Aquarius. (AP Photo/NASA)

We’re pleased to reveal the new cover for Nephy Hart’s “Fighting the Man” e-book, book 2 of the Enigma series, which is published by Flying With Red Haircrow Productions in cooperation with Ms. Hart. Book 3, “Friends & Lovers” is coming soon, so for a limited time, books 1 & 2 are now FREE at Smashwords. It’s only for a limited time, so be sure and check them out & get ready for the 3rd installment in the trilogy publishing December 6th!
Genres: Gay fiction, contemporary fiction, suspense.


Enigma, book 1 of Enigma:
“When nurse-in-training River Caulfield improbably finds love with Silver, a mysterious patient at the Care House where he works, he’s faced with a dilemma that his career may be threatened because of their attraction. Yet when dangerous elements from Silver’s past catch up to them both, he realizes there is much more at stake than his professional dreams. Their very lives may be forfeit!”

Fighting the Man, book 2 of Enigma:
“River had always known that living with a freed sex slave, even one as sweet as Silver, was never going to be easy. It gets a lot harder when his parents are killed leaving him to care for his young brother. When Social Services get involved he has a choice to make. Unfortunately, he makes a choice that leaves the relationship in jeopardy as much as the master who returns to claim his former pet.”

Friends & Lovers, book 3 of Enigma: (Coming in December!)
“Silver and River are healing, but both are still struggling to reconcile Silver’s life before his time at the Theatre De La Vie, with after. It doesn’t help that Ariel keeps coming around and causing trouble. When he encourages Silver to collect Ben from school he unleashes a can of worms that could easily have had fatal consequences.”

About the Author

Formerly known as Nephylim, Nephy Hart was born into a poor but loving mining family in the United Kingdom, Nephy grew up in the beautiful and history rich South Wales Valleys, becoming the first in her family to attend university. As a lawyer practicing Family Law for several years, the profession allowed Nephy to learn more about human nature at its worst and best moments, and develop empathy and a view of life not limited by social standing or background.

Tapping into the heritage of her people that throughout Earth’s ages welcomed the wandering bard into the hearts of their villages as keepers of lore, Nephy trained as a Druid and brings the richness of her Celtic past and spiritual training to enrich and elevate her writing. Since a child Nephy has been fascinated with other worlds, which exist within and alongside her own and has reveled in creating worlds and characters for others to enjoy.

Despite lack of family support, Nephy continued writing privately and eventually found the Gay Authors website. With the positive response and a warm welcome received, she found the confidence to pursue her passion to a greater degree. Feeling gay fiction was a woefully neglected corner of the market where readers were all too often presented with what amounted to erotica, Nephy strives to write quality gay fiction where sex and sexuality is not the central premise. Instead, concentration is given to character and narrative development through storytelling that goes beyond the physical.

Nephy still resides in Wales, UK, and enjoys writing, reading, art, and taking part in medieval reenactments.

Also publishes with:

  • Wayward Ink Press: “Project X”, “Stranded Anthology”
  • Cool Dudes Publishing: “Draven’s Gate”
  • Featherweight Press: “The Face in the Window”, “Memories of Forgotten Love”

For more information, or if you’d like to contact the author, please visit her websites:

Nephylim Author
Cheryl Headford Blogspot

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Filed under Announcements, Contemporary Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Fiction

New Cover Reveal-Enigma Book 2 by Nephy Hart & #FREE #Ebooks

In this image provided by NASA Wednesday Oct. 3, 2012 a dying star is throwing a cosmic tantrum in this combined image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and the Galaxy Evolution Explorer. In death, the star's dusty outer layers are unraveling into space, glowing from the intense ultraviolet radiation being pumped out by the hot stellar core. This object called the Helix nebula, lies 650 light-years away in the constellation of Aquarius. (AP Photo/NASA)

We’re pleased to reveal the new cover for Nephy Hart’s “Fighting the Man” e-book, book 2 of the Enigma series, which is published by Flying With Red Haircrow Productions in cooperation with Ms. Hart. Book 3, “Friends & Lovers” is coming soon, so for a limited time, books 1 & 2 are now FREE at Smashwords. It’s only for a limited time, so be sure and check them out & get ready for the 3rd installment in the trilogy.
Genres: Gay, contemporary, drama, fiction.


Enigma, book 1 of Enigma:
“When nurse-in-training River Caulfield improbably finds love with Silver, a mysterious patient at the Care House where he works, he’s faced with a dilemma that his career may be threatened because of their attraction. Yet when dangerous elements from Silver’s past catch up to them both, he realizes there is much more at stake than his professional dreams. Their very lives may be forfeit!”

Fighting the Man, book 2 of Enigma:
“River had always known that living with a freed sex slave, even one as sweet as Silver, was never going to be easy. It gets a lot harder when his parents are killed leaving him to care for his young brother. When Social Services get involved he has a choice to make. Unfortunately, he makes a choice that leaves the relationship in jeopardy as much as the master who returns to claim his former pet.”

Friends & Lovers, book 3 of Enigma: (Coming in December!)
“Silver and River are healing, but both are still struggling to reconcile Silver’s life before his time at the Theatre De La Vie, with after. It doesn’t help that Ariel keeps coming around and causing trouble. When he encourages Silver to collect Ben from school he unleashes a can of worms that could easily have had fatal consequences.”

About the Author

Formerly known as Nephylim, Nephy Hart was born into a poor but loving mining family in the United Kingdom, Nephy grew up in the beautiful and history rich South Wales Valleys, becoming the first in her family to attend university. As a lawyer practicing Family Law for several years, the profession allowed Nephy to learn more about human nature at its worst and best moments, and develop empathy and a view of life not limited by social standing or background.

Tapping into the heritage of her people that throughout Earth’s ages welcomed the wandering bard into the hearts of their villages as keepers of lore, Nephy trained as a Druid and brings the richness of her Celtic past and spiritual training to enrich and elevate her writing. Since a child Nephy has been fascinated with other worlds, which exist within and alongside her own and has reveled in creating worlds and characters for others to enjoy.

Despite lack of family support, Nephy continued writing privately and eventually found the Gay Authors website. With the positive response and a warm welcome received, she found the confidence to pursue her passion to a greater degree. Feeling gay fiction was a woefully neglected corner of the market where readers were all too often presented with what amounted to erotica, Nephy strives to write quality gay fiction where sex and sexuality is not the central premise. Instead, concentration is given to character and narrative development through storytelling that goes beyond the physical.

Nephy still resides in Wales, UK, and enjoys writing, reading, art, and taking part in medieval reenactments.

Also publishes with:

Wayward Ink Press: “Project X”, “Stranded Anthology”
Cool Dudes Publishing: “Draven’s Gate”
Featherweight Press: “The Face in the Window”, “Memories of Forgotten Love”

For more information, or if you’d like to contact the author, please visit her websites:

Nephylim Author
Cheryl Headford Blogspot

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Filed under Announcements, Contemporary Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Fiction