The Aberration by Bard Constantine

Review: From the opening scenes, it was clear the author of „The Aberration“ had a powerful vision and direction in which he wished the story to move, and he kept on pace throughout. The tension quickly builds as Guy Mann and a group of co-workers are trapped in the mill factory with the creatures described as “the Others” eagerly awaiting any opportunity to breach the locked security doors.  One moment’s weakness, and those creatures flow inside and the battle for survival begins.

For Guy, however, it is just another outbreak of the phenomenon called The Aberration, which he has been fighting throughout the ages of mankind. We are provided flashbacks into those past times when denizens from the “other side” have broken through to our world, and the type of bizarre, supernatural and/or bestial transformations they can take. Additionally, we are offered brief sketches of some of the people who fought alongside Guy, who were also mysteriously recruited to combat the shifting deadly creatures.

I found the writing quite stylish and distinct, though often I wished for less descriptive details for general things so such phrasing would be more outstanding for the dramatic, horrific parts of the story, of which there were plenty. The problems I had with the work overall were some editing issues, clarity in POV and conflicting or inaccurate descriptions. Sword-fighting and usage is a long-time interest of mine, for example, so naturally that caught my eye.

It’s often important for me to have empathy with or form some kind of connection to the main character, and admittedly I never developed that for Guy Mann, but that took nothing away from the story itself which is fast moving, packed with action and inspires you to imagine the terrible Others as well as what you might do if trapped in such a situation. I felt “The Aberration” could have used some revision in certain areas, but for the most part, I enjoyed this work of quite imaginative horror and feel the author will only continue to gain in ability and skill.

Update: The author has completed revisions to this work since my review was complete. I think its an excellent example of how writers, of which I am one (and have to make such revisions myself believe me), continue to add to the professionalism and growth of independently produced writing that as Mark Coker, the creator of Smashwords, states “can be as good or better than traditionally published book.”

Description: “When a freak storm engulfs a flourmill, the workers learn quickly that there is much more to fear than just heavy rain.

Something else arrives with the storm –macabre creatures that alter their shapes and features with every attack. In order to survive the night, the employees will have to rely on a man whose sanity is questionable. For he claims to have faced the same attacks before, over ages of time. He calls it an Aberration. A doorway that opens to a realm of nameless evils. What lies beyond wants to smother our world in darkness and perverse terror. It grows stronger with every passing moment, and all that stands between it and our world are the workers trapped in the building. Each person will be pushed to the very precipice of madness as reality distorts and the bizarre beings mount their attack. In the end, survival may not be enough to survive the Aberration…

The Aberration is a tale of mounting horror that will leave readers guessing until the very end. Author Bard Constantine blends creature feature horror with psychological terror, creating a story that both haunts and satisfies fans of both.

Prey that you survive the experience…”

  • Paperback, 157 pages, and in e-book
  • Published March 6th 2012 by Knightvision, Ltd (first published March 2nd 2012)
  • ISBN: 1470173913
  • Genre: Horror, Supernatural Fantasy, Dark Fiction
  • Availability: Smashwords, Amazon and other online distributors
  • Source: Author at The LL Book Reviews

Author Profile:

Bard Constantine writes far-flung fantasy, dystopian futures, and gritty YA among other things.

With his widening audience and steadily growing body of work, he is certainly a writer to look out for. Catch up with all his upcoming projects at his personal website:

Bard Constantine
Non omnis moriar…





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