Interview & Review: Managing Common Health Problems Holistically (Volume 1) by Orchid Ch’ng

Review: The book is written in a straight-forward manner, easily understandable with terms and references the average person can relate to and apply in their own lives and shopping habits as necessary. Some points might seem common sense regarding colds and flu, exercising regularly or eating certain foods, but they are crucially important and we could all use such reminders. The addition of Chinese medicine and herbal remedies to some of the treatments westerners might already know was quite interesting and coincided with some of my own knowledge of herbs and healing. Many were also fascinating and new.

I was personally familiar with some of the topics such as acne, which I suffered with greatly as a pre-teen, yet rarely afterwards. One note I thought of also was not aggravating the skin or existing bumps, cysts or lesions by using products or material that “scrub” the skin. Often, this can cause yet more problems. Another note, herbal or natural product we also used as a blood cleanser to help with acne was cayenne pepper, taken in the powdered form in gelatin capsules. Later in the book, the author mentioned several ways cayenne or capsicum can be used to benefit health.

For allergies sufferers, as with Chinese medicine, one of the common remedies we used was taking a daily teaspoon of “local” honey, meaning honey that had been produced by bees who gathered from the blooms in the area where you live. In this way, it is believed the body builds up a greater tolerance to allergens as it makes them a “part” of itself.

I greatly appreciated the information about magnesium, and how having lower levels of it in the body can cause things such as lower back pain, restless syndrome and muscle twitches. One of the contributing factors to low levels of magnesium could be based on the fact that much of our food is now grown in mineral depleted soil and ends up lacking this vital mineral and others. So often we may be eating foods that look good, but really don’t contain all the necessary nutrients, which cause a number of nagging ills. Supplements of some sort, herbal or mineral can really aid in better health.

Special care was taken to ensure proper credit was given to quotes, and references and permissions from websites, group or medical practitioners.  Obviously a lot of time, care and the desire to help others went into the writing and compiling of “Managing Common Health Problems Holistically.” It is a health-related book I would absolutely recommend.

Description: “Are you sick and tired of having to use a lot of medications which leave you feeling worse than ever? Have you ever wondered to yourself that there has to be a better way to manage your health problems? If you answered yes to either or both of these questions, this book may be for you.

Using simple everyday language that is easily understood, this book addresses nine of the most common health problems. The book uses a natural holistic approach which includes Western Herbal Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Author Bio:

Orchid Ch’ng was born in Malaysia and lived her childhood years on Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) and is now currently living in Perth, Western Australia with her family. Her career has been widely varied throughout her life. She has always had a strong interest in health, reading & writing which led her to writing her first published health book about health problems. Other interests include movies, bushwalking, travel and photography.


My Interview With The Author:

What genre(s) do you write?

Currently I write nonfiction in the health genre.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

I enjoy reading books, watching some of my favourite tv shows, watching movies and DVDs, bushwalking, practice meditation and Taoism (exercises, not the religion) and photography.

Where are you from originally?

I was born in Malaysia, and I lived my childhood years on Christmas Island (Indian Ocean). Family? My father has passed away several years ago, but my mother is still alive and well and is retired. I have two brothers; one is an electrical engineer and the other works in IT.

Where do you hang out online? Website URL, author groups, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, blog, etc?

My author website is and my blog is also on my website. I also have a Twitter account, which is on my website as well.

What types of books do you like to read?

I tend to read a variety of books from fiction to nonfiction. For fiction, I prefer to read fantasy and for nonfiction, health/nutrition books of course, and occasionally some gardening/horticultural & cookbooks.

Who are your favorite authors and why?

I love Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series, because his books never fail to make me laugh. He has the wonderful ability to blend humour and drama seamlessly in a single page. You never know what’s around the corner. Lately, I noticed that his books were getting increasingly darker. I also loved the late Sara Douglass’s fantasy novels, for the complexity and depth of the storylines and fantastic complex characters that populate her stories. She’ll be sorely missed in the literary world.

Your Writing Process:

Why do you write?

I write to express and explore my ideas and communicate them to readers.

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing?

Quite eclectic, as no one day is the same. On some days I will devote entirely to researching topics, on others I will write, and on other days I’ll be selling/promoting/marketing/general admin work.

Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

Never give up and continue to write. Always do your research before jumping into anything, don’t simply rely on other people’s recommendations, as their recommendations may not suit you at all. Set clear goals and create a plan with achievable targets. If you don’t know how to create a website yourself, for e.g., hire a website designer to create a professional looking website for you. You can always outsource work to others if you don’t have the expertise in that area. Get your work professionally edited, as this is a must for any writer/author. Writing is only a small part of the process as the sales/marketing/promotion is the dominant one.

Use social media wisely. Contact book bloggers in your genre that you are writing in and ask them to do book reviews for your book. You will encounter criticism about your book, so don’t take it personally. Instead learn from it. Everyone has an opinion, but remember it’s just opinion, not fact. You will find that one reader loved what you wrote in your book, and another will dislike it. What to do? Just remember to keep it in perspective. You can’t please everyone all of the time. It is important to consider what your readers’ like and don’t like, but don’t get too hung up about it. In the end, you have to love what you’re writing.

Is there any other genre you have considered writing in?

I’ve considered writing fantasy.

Do you track work count or write a certain number of hours per day?

I try to aim to write for about 3-4 hours a day.

Your Books:

How many books have you written?

I’ve actually written 2 books, but decided to publish the second book (health book), as the first book, which was a fantasy novella, had too many flaws in it.

When a new book comes out, are you nervous about how readers will react to it?

Yes, as you never know how people will react to it; you always hope that people will react favourably towards it.

What can we look forward to in the upcoming months?

I’m currently working on my second book which is the follow up to the first volume.

What kind of research do you do for your books?

I mainly do internet research and occasionally interview some individuals. Do you enjoy the research process? Yes, I love research, as I always discover something different and new. Research is an essential component of the writing process.

 Do you outline your books or just start writing?

Sometimes I create an outline for my book, and at other times I just write. It just depends on my inclination.

What was your first published work and when was it published?

My first published work is my current book and it was published during March/April 2012.

If your book is available in print, how does it feel to hold a book that has your name on the cover? 

Immensely satisfying to finally see my name in print on the cover.


Filed under Interviews, Lifestyles & Health, Non-Fiction, Reviews

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